Now Built on Wagtail
by Justin Michalicek on Feb. 23, 2019, 4:57 p.m. UTCIt's time for my occasional rework of the back end of this system and attempt to write more by making it easier and nicer to write. This time I killed two birds with one stone by adding Wagtail to the mix.
I stumbled upon Wagtail through work. We build a lot of custom CMSes at Mobelux and so every couple of years we take a look at existing solutions. In the past we've always found something unacceptable about all of them. This time when we gave Wagtail another shot, it was exactly what we are always looking for. The features are almost exactly what we have built into the last several CMSes, both in UX and back end code implemenation, including the image gallery and StreamField.
This system is actually overkill for my own personal blog needs, but the clean editor UI more than makes up for that. So far I have only moved the old blog posts to Wagtail. The archives is still a traditional view (which integrate nicely with Wagtail, it lets you break out easily when it makes sense to do so), along with projects, about page, etc. Some of these may eventually become Wagtail pages or they may be simpler to just leave as is.