Just copying and pasting notes out of Brewtarget for now. This will also be my first beer fermented in my new Spike CF5 with glycol cooling.

Put 9 gallons into kettle, then drained 2 gallons into seperate kettle to do a cold sparge.

Use 0.1 gallons/lb grain absorption, 1.25 gal/hr boiloff rate, 0.25 gallons trub left in kettle for calculating water needed. Targeting 5.5 gallons into fermenter.

Hops called for is 5 oz of golding which is a TON. Should have just gone 3 oz of 5.5 AA goldings, but I had gotten confused and thought this one used 3 different hops when purchasing ingredients. I used 1 oz 11.3 AA Hallertauer Magnum and just over 1 oz 5.6 AA fuggles... I had a few grams randomly left from a previous recipe.This is coming out estimated 57 IBU rather than the target 67.

Unsure about actual OG. I had too much going on and let the sample sit out overnight and by morning it was seemed to actually be fermenting. I just used the OG Brewtarget said that I should have hit. The beer in the fermenter is also bubbling. Was 1.048-ish when I checked in the morning.

8/17 Update

The new glycol chilled fermenter came with a surprise. After fermentation slowed down, every time the chiller kicked in it would cool the fermenter so fast that it would result in a vacuum. This ended up sucking nearly two pints of Starsan mixture into the beer before I figured out what was happening. A rep from Five Star (who makes Starsan) let me know that it would be safe, although may cause what she called "bubble guts", and the flavor profile may be off. I sampled some when I checked the final gravity. The flavor profile was definitely off and I don't need 5 gallons of it.

Style Details

1.040 - 1.052 1.011 - 1.014 18 - 35
20 - 30 srm

Batch Details

Brewed OnPackaged OnOn Tap DateOriginal GravityFinal GravityColor
Aug. 3, 2024 N/A N/A 1.059 None
38 srm